About Us
I first started the journey of researching hair loss and regrowth over a year ago. I planned to find a solution to a prevalent problem in all women, hair loss. I have spent so much money on products that did not work for me or my two girls, which left me stressed out, and my pockets drained.
Finding a solution seemed to be my only solution!
My name is Daniqueca Jefferson, and I am the proud owner of Dee’s Innate Beauty. I am a native of Drew, Mississippi, a very small town located in the Mississippi Delta. I am the mother of three wonderful children, two beautiful daughters, and one very handsome son. Six years ago, my children and I relocated to the Mississippi Gulf Coast, and we’ve made it our home.
As a business owner, I value the importance of one’s story, so here is mine.
The first time I suffered significant hair loss was after I gave birth to my 3rd child. The doctors called it postpartum alopecia. It was terrifying, but about six months later, everything started to go back to normal. I’ve learned through this process that the convenient styles we love so much aren’t that convenient. To prevent hair loss and breakage, we still have to make sure we take care of our natural hair daily. The products we find on the shelves’ products do work, but you must be willing to be consistent and put in the time.
Neither a doctor nor a dermatologist can guarantee you such claims.
I would like for you to trust my products and trust the process. If you use any of my magnificent oils as directed, you will achieve your hair growth goals. Thank you so much for letting me share my process and products with you.